Friday, April 17, 2015

Once again, what's the solution in Syria?

By: Salameh Kaileh


Comment: Any solution that does not start with the removal of Assad and his power in Syria will most certainly fail, writes Salameh Kaileh.
Discussions surrounding Syria seem to suggest that an opposition is being "tailored" that will be willing to accept the continuation of Bashar al-Assad's power.

Russia is working to arrange an opposition from "within the regime" - meaning they never were and never will be part of the opposition. Nevertheless, it is forging ahead with its plan.

This is based on the formation of a transitional government that paves way for a presidential election, in which Assad can take part in.

However, it has become obvious that all regional and international actors are now dealing with specific opposition figures, and not opposition groups or bodies.

Every regional and international player now invites a group of opposition figures to hold a meeting or conference about their vision for the solution, which in most part, does not involve the overthrow of Assad and his group.

This in return means groups such as the Syrian National Coalition and the National Coordination Committee are facing disintegration, for the sake of a solution that regional and international figures can agree upon.

Every one of these actors is selecting an opposition figure that it favours, or one that would agree to the regime remaining in power - more specifically, for Assad to remain in power.
    How can the transitional committee carry out its role while the group that launched a war against its people remains in power?

To achieve this goal, the principles of the Geneva conference would need to be disregarded, or at least altered.

The Geneva conference specified the establishment of a transitional committee that enjoys full executive powers.

This would mean an end to the current regime, and stripping the president and the prime minister off their authority.

However, in an attempt to keep Assad’s position intact, there has been a lot of talk about the need for the president to be part of any negotiations tied to any final solution.

If the same president, the same apparatuses and the same people remain in power, who can guarantee any change?

How can the transitional committee carry out its role while the group that launched a war against its people remains in power?

This project aims to block the path to a solution because not removing Assad and his regime from power will keep the conflict raging.

The mass amount of civilians who have lost family members and loved ones, those whose homes have been destroyed and have had to flee their own country, will not agree to any solution that will ensure Assad and his group stays in power.

A solution cannot be achieved without the Syrian people, who have fought for change and have sacrificed their life and their limbs, being able to feel that they have achieved a 'small' victory by removing Assad and his regime.

The opposition must refuse its disintegration and must hold on to the basis of a successful solution, which is the removal of the group that controls the state, has fought against its population, destroyed the country and plundered it for decades with its authoritarian rule.

Any solution that does not start with that point in mind will most certainly fail.
Opinions expressed in this article remain those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of al-Araby al-Jadeed, its editorial board or staff.
This is an edited translation of the original Arabic.

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