Thursday, May 28, 2015

جيش الفتح يسيطر على مدينة أريحا بريف إدلب الغربي


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I've always wondered. With all the bad news after bad news in the middle east, what keeps your sanity going? How do you maintain hope?

  2. Tony Sayegh6:45 AM


    Just like you, I get quite depressed with all the bad news. I don't know about hope, but I think that what is happening is part of a long term process the region is going through. I will probably not live long enough to see the end of this process.

    We have to remember all the millions of Arabs who are part of this process, fighting and dying daily. But apparently they have not lost hope, they keep on going. The rest of us just follow, analyze, report, write,.....and wait for this process to take its course.

    I just hope that when all the dust settles, the change will be for the better. That people will have learned (the hard way) what needs to be learned to establish modern nation states where all citizens enjoy equal rights and opportunities.
