Monday, May 25, 2015

Syrian General Killed in Downtown Damascus Car Bombing

Six Others Killed in Blast Claimed by Islamist Faction

by Jason Ditz, May 24, 2015
A Sunday attack on a car in central Damascus has killed Brigadier General Ali Muhanna and six others, the latest attack by rebels in the heart of government territory.
Islamist rebel faction Ahrar al-Sham, a key faction within the Islamic Front, claimed credit for the blast, and issued a video showing them planting an IED on the general’s car.
Officials say that Brig. Gen. Muhanna was a member of the nation’s elite Republican Guard. The identities of the other six slain in the blast have not been released.
Though the Syrian military controls Damascus and most of the suburbs, they have consistently had problems with infiltration, and struggled to keep the capital appearing secure during the ongoing civil war.

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