Sunday, June 14, 2015

وزير الخارجية اليمني:سنحضر مشاورات جنيف التزاما بالمسؤولية


This Yemeni "government" is a most impotent, incompetent, wishy-washy, vacillating and weak entity, not worthy of the respect of the Yemeni people. Out with it and out with the Huthis; start from square one!

Don't forget that Hadi was the vice president of the former dictator because he is so weak and as soft as a marshmallow! The Huthis  controlled him until they controlled most of Yemen.

What can't be won on the ground can't be won by going to Geneva! This is a laughable charade by the UN and the US.

This behavior is so typical of most Arabs living on wishful thinking in tribal pre-state societies, hoping that the UN, the US, the "world community" or someone would save them from themselves.


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