Monday, July 27, 2015

Hamas plans another visit to Saudi and improved relations with Egypt


Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas
Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas

Senior leaders of the Hamas movement revealed that a delegation from the movement, headed by its political bureau chief Khaled Meshaal, plans to pay another visit to Saudi Arabia next month in the context of developing relations between the two sides.
Saleh Aruri, a member of Hamas's political bureau, said yesterday that the movement's leadership will once again visit Riyadh within a month to discuss the relationship between the two sides and a number of issues, including Gaza's reconstruction.
Aruri revealed the content of the meetings that took place between the two parties in the previous visit, stressing that they "were not greeting or courtesy meetings as portrayed by others" adding that the Hamas leadership met with the king, the crown prince and the deputy crown prince.
Hamas's representative in Lebanon Ali Baraka told Alarabi newspaper that a new development in Hamas's relationship with Egypt, pointing out that in April the head of the Egyptian intelligence service, Major General Khaled Fawzi, visited Doha and met with Qatari officials and asked them to mediate between the two to normalise relations.
Egypt laid down three conditions for reconciliation, according to Baraka, non-interference in its internal affairs, controlling Gaza's border with Sinai, and security cooperation to prevent any terrorist attacks on the Egyptian army in the Sinai.
The Hamas official added that the movement has agreed to the terms. "Egypt's security is a Palestinian interest." Hamas's terms, on the other hand, included opening the Rafah crossing and removing the "terrorist" label that Egypt designated to Hamas, "because it is a national liberation movement", Baraka explained.

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