Friday, July 24, 2015

Syrian "court" sentences Al-Jazeera TV host to death


Faisal Al-Qassim
Faisal Al-Qassim

A Damascus court on Wednesday sentenced renowned Al-Jazeera channel host Faisal Al-Qassim to death on charges of "supporting terrorism, working against the state and inciting sectarian strife", Al-Jazeera reported.
According to a leaked document attributed to the Syrian "Court of Terrorism" Al-Qassim has been accused of "inciting sectarian strife and inviting Syrians to take up arms against the state, sending money, food and weapons to terrorist groups as well as scheming with a foreign state to initiate aggression against Syria."
The sentence also included the confiscation of all assets and property owned by Al-Qasim and his family in Syria on charges of manufacturing cluster bombs [Say What?? How About Nuclear Weapons While You Are at it!], financing terrorism and insulting the president.

Syrian military intelligence stormed Al-Qasim's house in Sweida early last year and turned it into a military barracks.
Al-Qasim is a British-Syrian veteran and TV personality based in Qatar, who is known for hosting the famous and controversial live debate show The Opposite Direction.

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