Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tunisia restores diplomatic relations with Damascus. SOME "ARAB SPRING"!


Tunisian flag
[file photo]

The official Tunisian news agency reported on Friday that the government in Tunis has restored diplomatic relations with the Syrian regime, Palestine's Al-Quds newspaper has said.

According to an informed and credible source in the Tunisian foreign ministry, his country has appointed Ibrahim Al-Fawwari as its consul-general in the Syrian capital. "Diplomatic relations with Damascus were restored several months ago," said the spokesman, "and a full diplomatic team is working there."
In 2012, Tunisia was the first country to cut its diplomatic relations with Syria, in protest at the military crackdown by the regime against the peaceful revolution. This led to an armed revolution in which hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions displaced.
Tunisia is also the country from where most of the foreigners recruited to fight against the Syrian regime originate.

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