Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Yemeni loyalists capture more ground from rebels in Aden

Fighters loyal to exiled president seize government headquarters a day after taking airport, in first major advance since Houthi rebels entered city in March

The Guardian


Loyalists of Yemen’s exiled president seized more ground in Aden on Wednesday after recapturing an airport held by Iran-backed rebels for four months.
The offensive, called Operation Golden Arrow, is the first major advance by the loyalists since Houthi rebels entered the port city in March, forcing President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi into exile in neighbouring Saudi Arabia.
Despite an appeal from the US president, Barack Obama, to King Salman of Saudi Arabia for an urgent end to the fighting, Saudi-led warplanes carried out six raids on rebel positions before dawn, witnesses and military sources said.
Popular Resistance fighters – a southern militia that has been the mainstay of support for Hadi – recaptured the provincial government headquarters in the Mualla district by Aden’s main commercial port, militia spokesman Ali al-Ahmadi told AFP.
They also advanced in the Crater district of the city, he added.
On Tuesday, the militia, backed by reinforcements freshly trained and equipped in Saudi Arabia, retook the airport and much of the surrounding Khormaksar diplomatic district.
After the recapture of Khormaksar, there was a collapse in the ranks of the Houthi and their allies,” Ahmadi said.
It was the defection of the 39th Armoured Brigade on 25 March that had enabled the rebels to take the airport.
Much of Aden has been reduced to rubble by four months of ferocious fighting.
The retreating rebels pounded residential districts in the north and east of Aden with Katyusha multiple rocket launchers, provincial officials said. At least 12 civilians were killed and 105 wounded, Aden health department chief Al-Khader Laswar told AFP.
Eight loyalist militiamen were killed and 30 wounded in the fighting, Laswar added.
There was no immediate word on rebel losses.
Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, had announced a six-day ceasefire to allow the delivery of desperately needed relief supplies.The rebel offensive comes after the failure of a UN-declared truce that was to have taken effect just before midnight on Friday.
Ban was very much disappointed by the failure of the truce, his spokesman said.
Obama spoke by telephone with the Saudi king on Tuesday, the White House said.
The two leaders “spoke about the urgency of stopping the fighting in Yemen and the importance of ensuring that assistance can reach Yemenis on all sides of the conflict”.
The United Nations has declared Yemen a level-3 humanitarian emergency, the highest on its scale.
More than 21.1 million people – over 80% of Yemen’s population – need aid, with 13 million facing food shortages, while access to water has become difficult for 9.4 million people.

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