Monday, October 12, 2015

'Abbas issued directives to undermine attacks against Israelis'


President Mahmoud Abbas issued directives to Palestinian Authority security services to prevent attacks against IsraelHaaretz revealed on Sunday.

Is this the Third Intifada?

Rising tensions in the Occupied Territories have led to dozens of deaths and hundreds of clashes.
Are we witnessing the Third Intifada?
Quoting a senior official in the Israeli Shabak intelligence agency, Haaretz reported him telling Sunday’s coalition cabinet meeting that not only does Abbas not support “terrorist attacks” but also tells PA security services to “undermine” anti-Israel protests as much as possible.
“The Shabak official said that the northern part of the Islamic Movement in Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Movement Hamas are inciting attacks against Israeli troops on the West Bank and Israel,” reported the left-of-centre Israeli newspaper.
Earlier, Abbas apparently told a meeting of the PLO’s Executive Committee that the PA is seeking to reach a solution only using peaceful ways in order to protect the country from danger, which would affect all sides.

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