Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Video: Can Israeli violence crush Palestinian resistance?

By Ali Abunimah

On Tuesday I appeared on Inside Story on Al Jazeera English to discuss the escalating violence in Palestine, especially in Jerusalem.
Hosted by Laura Kyle, the other guests were Ian Black, Middle East Editor for The Guardian, and Gregg Roman, a former official with Israel’s defense ministry and director of Middle East Forum.
Middle East Forum is an advocacy group founded by the notorious Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian demagogue Daniel Pipes.
Roman strongly defended Israel’s funding of the Temple Institute, a group that calls for the replacement of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque with a Jewish temple.
It is headed by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, who has praised the killers of the Dawabsha family, burned alive in their home in July, and has sanctioned the murder of the US president.
Roman also called for a massive Israeli military assault in the occupied West Bank along the lines of “Operation Defensive Shield,” the 2002 incursion that killed 500 Palestinians.
Black said we may be at the beginning of another major escalation of violence and Israel’s “security” approach cannot bring a resolution. The only way forward, Black said, is to go back to “fundamentals” and “find some way to negotiate about the future.”
Watch the robust debate in the video above.

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