Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A perilous journey: Khalid's flight to Europe from Syria - an illustrated account

My name is Khalid. I'm 24. 

I escaped from Syria and I have been in this asylum centre for three months.

Days pass slowly. 

I'm waiting for my application to be processed. 

I watch the children ride in circles outside.

Life before the Syrian revolution

We had to make ourselves deaf, dumb and blind, to disappearances, murder and torture –

The Syrian Revolution

I joined the protests – but kept it secret from my family. 
My mother would have locked me in my room to protect me. 
We marched in glorious unity. 
When the security forces shot us, it hardened our defiance ...

Detention and torture

They put my feet in a bowl of water – then shocked the water with electric cables.

They electrocuted him and battered him in front of me – 
They made me watch.

Rescue and recovery


So one day my mum called, voice shaking.

Masked men had come to the house and turned the place over looking for me.

If they found me I would be dead for sure
– and now my family were in danger too.

Khalid finally received asylum in Norway and can begin to start the healing process.

Produced: PositiveNegatives, Director: Benjamin Dix
Illustration: Lindsay Pollock, Animation: Wael Toubaji 
Funded by: Norwegian People’s Aid

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