Monday, November 30, 2015

Saudi diplomat: Serious shifts in KSA, Egypt relations over Sisi’s positions


Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi with Salman bin Abdulaziz
President Sisi with Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz earlier this year. Their relationship has since strained
Egyptian President Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi lives in a world of “illusions” which has nothing to do with reality, and there is a serious shift in Saudi’s relationship with his government, an advisor to a Saudi ambassador said.

Nawaf Obaid, advisor to Prince Mohammad bin Nawaf, Saudi ambassador to the UK, reported a Saudi diplomatic source as saying: “Saudi Arabia is seriously considering re-evaluating its relations with Sisi’s government in Egypt after revealing startling news concerning Sisi,” adding “the economic situation in Egypt cannot continue and Sisi’s irrational foreign policy will force Saudi Arabia to take another course with him.”
He also quoted a former general in the Egyptian army as saying that “if Sisi did not pay attention to the situation in Egypt and gets rid of his unqualified advisers he will meet Mubarak’s fate soon.
Obaid commented on these analyses on his personal Twitter account saying: “Sisi’s illusions and his unqualified advisors will turn against him soon. Egypt under Sisi’s leadership will not be ally, friend or partner to Saudi Arabia or the Gulf states.”
Saudi writer and analyst Mehanna Al-Hubail commented on Obaid’s remarks saying the cold relationship between the two countries is due to President Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi’s involvement in the Russian-Iranian axis.
Al-Hubail wrote on Twitter: “Nawaf Obaid is a Saudi media adviser in the diplomatic corps and him quoting the personal remarks of a diplomat about strained relations with Sisi is unprecedented.”
“It seems that the diplomatic message leaked by Nawaf Obaid about Riyadh’s dismay with General Sisi’s positions refers to the latter's involvement in the Russian-Iranian axis.”

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