Monday, December 28, 2015

Report: Migration rates among Palestinian refugees in Syria rise after being forced to fight for the regime


file photo of refugees crossing into Turkey, as they flee the fighting in their towns and villages
More than 100,000 Palestinian-Syrian refugees are outside the Syrian territories while thousands of them are waiting for a chance to get out of Syria [file photo of refugees crossing into Turkey, as they flee the fighting in their towns and villages]
Palestinians are continuing to emigrate from Syria in general and from Syrian regime-controlled areas in particular, heading for Turkey and European countries, due to poor security and living conditions, the Action Group for Palestinians of Syria (AGPS) reported on its website.

"The Palestinian-Syrian youth and families are still migrating from under-regime's control areas towards Turkey and European countries due to the harsh living and security conditions," according to AGPS.
"Migration occurs on a daily basis despite the tightened controls of the Syrian Security and the strains put on travel roads toward the Turkish borders."
The report said that the main reasons for the continuation of this migration and flight from Syria are: the persecution carried out by the Syrian security services and their loyal groups against the Palestinian youth to force them to join the Palestinian Liberation Army, which is fighting on the Syrian regime's side; tightened security measures against the youth movement in and outside the camps; and the arrest of many of them by the security services.
More than 100,000 Palestinian-Syrian refugees are outside the Syrian territories while thousands of them are waiting for a chance to get out of Syria, as a result of the continuation of the war and the targeting of their camps.

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