Thursday, January 28, 2016

"The Settlers": New Film Reveals History & Consequences of Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

Democracy Now!


"As Israel faces international condemnation over its plan to build 153 new settlement homes in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, the watchdog group Peace Now reports Israel’s defense minister has approved the construction of the new Jewish-only homes last week. The plan sparked swift criticism from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who called the settlements "an affront to the Palestinian people and to the international community." In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Ban Ki-moon’s criticism gives "a tailwind to terrorism" and that the "U.N. lost its neutrality and moral force a long time ago." This comes as President Barack Obama spoke at the Israeli Embassy to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day, saying, "We are all indeed Jews." We examine the history and consequences of decades of Israeli settlement construction on Palestinian lands in an interview with Shimon Dotan, the director of an extraordinary new film, "The Settlers," which just had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. "It is such a heated and often discussed topic, but I find that so little is known about it, and often the discussion is misinformed," Dotan says...."

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