Friday, April 15, 2016

A Dirty Joke That Applies to the Syrian "Opposition"

This is my translation of an Arabic joke that was often used to describe Yasser Arafat and his "negotiations" with Israel. Typical of many Arabic jokes, it has to do with sex.

This "tough" guy goes around the neighborhood with his pistol strapped to his side and people thought that he was really tough. One day, another man who was known to be gay, meets the "tough" guy and starts to show interest in him and puts his arm around him.

The neighbors warned the "tough" guy about the gay man and his intention, but the "tough" guy reassured the neighbors by saying, "I have nothing to worry about, with my pistol to my side."

Things progressed a little at a time, until one day the gay man started to undress the "tough" guy. The neighbors yelled to him with their warnings, but he responded, "I have nothing to worry about, with my pistol to my side."

Finally, the gay man started to rape our "tough" guy (his pistol was still strapped to his side). The neighbors could not believe that this was happening. They shouted, "what are you waiting for?" But our "tough" guy again yelled back, "I have nothing to worry about, with my pistol to my side."

Finally the gay man was finished with the sex act and grabbed the "tough" guy's underwear to clean himself. At that point the "tough" guy pulls his pistol and kills his assailant.

This is exactly what the representatives of the Syrian "opposition" have been doing. One concession after another while trying to maintain some bravado and talking tough.

But, you never know when the limit has been reached!

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