Tuesday, February 14, 2017

‘Vacate the White House, Russian traitor’: Michael Moore blasts Trump over Flynn debacle


Filmmaker and Donald Trump critic Michael Moore went after the U.S. president in a series of tweets on Tuesday, Feb. 14 over the resignation of General Michael Flynn, which has caused many to continue deeply questioning the Trump administration’s ties to Russia. Moore took part in the questioning via social media, calling the U.S. president a “Russian traitor.”
Moore also suggested that Trump “vacate” the White House. Unfortunately for Moore, he will likely remain there for the next four or more years.
Trump’s White House faces another round of scrutiny after Flynn announced his resignation on Monday night, after it was revealed he passed on misleading information to Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials regarding a phone call with Russian ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak. The call took place in December and Flynn initially denied any wrongdoing.
In his resignation letter, Flynn wrote, “I have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president, and they have accepted my apology.”
Moore accused Trump of instructing Flynn to make the call.
Hey @realDonaldTrump-1hr after Obama put sanctions on Russia YOU told Flynn 2 call them & promise em it'll be OK. Traitor!Resign by morning!
“Resign by morning,” he suggested.
When the president did not vacate the White House, Moore tweeted again. “It’s now noontime in DC & it appears you are still squatting in our Oval Office,” he wrote.
Um, @realDonaldTrump -- It's now noontime in DC & it appears you are still squatting in our Oval Office. I gave u til this morning to leave.
In another tweet, the liberal filmmaker told the president, “What part of ‘vacate you Russian traitor’ don’t you understand?” He then argued Trump could resign now or would be impeached later.

What part of "vacate you Russian traitor" don't you understand? We can do this the easy way (you resign), or the hard way (impeachment).

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