Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Malaysia police foil Houthi attack on Saudi king


A senior Malaysian police source announced today that four Yemenis who were arrested in Malaysia after plotting to attack Saudi King Salman belonged to the Houthi group.
King Salman arrived in Kuala Lumpur on 26 February with a 600-strong delegation for a four-day visit, at the start of a month-long Asia tour. He is currently in Indonesia.
Speaking today, Malaysia’s police chief said the four Yemenis were plotting an attack on the Saudi royal.

Under arrest

  • 1 East Asian
  • 1 Indonesian
  • 4 Yemenis
“Four Yemenis, apart from their role involved in producing false travel documents they are also involved in distributing drugs… and they are also planning to attack the Arab royals during the visit in Kuala Lumpur, so we got them in the nick of time,” Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar told reporters. Between 21 February and 26 February, Malaysia arrested one Malaysian and six foreigners – one Indonesian, four Yemenis and one East Asian – for suspected links to various militant groups including Daesh and the Houthis, Malaysian police said in a statement on Sunday.
The Yemenis were arrested in Serdang and Cyberjaya – near the capital Kuala Lumpur – for suspected links to the Houthi group, the statement continued.
Police seized multiple international passports from the four, along with 270,000 ringgit ($60,742) in different currencies which were suspected to be channelled to the Houthi rebel group.

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