Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Emad Hajjaj's Cartoon

المواجهة الصاروخية !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abraham. What do you know think about Assad? Is he better than Daesh?

    What do you think of the Iraqi Government? Erdogan?

    Have your views of the West Bank changed at all? The West Bank now has many gentrified suburbs with a large upper middle class. Many upper middle class West Bank Palestinians now have Israeli license plates and appear to have a lot of freedom to travel inside Israel, conduct business in Israel and work in Israel.

    I am unclear about the ability of the new Palestinian upper middle class to own property in West Bank settlements.

    The contrast between Gaza and West Bank is growing. Would Fatah beat Hamas in an election?

    My guess is that Hamas would lose an election badly. But there is a chance that a third party might be able to win. Fatah might not win. What is your analysis?
