Saturday, July 29, 2006

Meanwhile in Empire

Just hot air? Bush and Blair refuse to call for ceasefire : Cabinet ministers warned that Mr Blair's refusal to stand up to Mr Bush would hasten his own exit from power.

War pimp alert: Bush and Blair lay out Lebanon plan but warn Tehran : As they set out a vague plan for bringing a cessation of violence in the Israel-Lebanon conflict at a joint press conference in the White House, they repeatedly referred to the threat posed by Iran and Syria, and their links with Hizbullah.

Blair Gets Payoff: Murdoch set to back Blair - for a place in his boardroom : Fox TV owner and media magnate Rupert Murdoch is expected to offer Tony Blair a senior role in his News Corporation empire when he stands down as Prime Minister.

US must abolish secret detention facilities: UN rights panel: The UN Human Rights Committee has called on the United States to immediately abolish all secret detention facilities, in a report raising deep concerns about the conduct of the "war on terror".

Big brother on campus: U.S. wants to track students' every step: Does the federal government need to know your family's financial profile, how much aid you received and whether you took off a semester to help out at home?

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