Saturday, July 29, 2006

Meanwhile in Lebanon

Israel Kills Woman And 6 Children: Sources said the woman was the mother of five of the children. The other victim was the child of neighbours.

Israeli warplanes attack Beirut-Damascus road near crossing gate : Israeli warplanes on Saturday attacked the Masnaa area, the main road leading to the border region with Damascus, a Lebanese security sources said.

UN soldiers injured in Israeli strikes: Two Indian soldiers with the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon have been wounded and their observation post damaged by an Israeli air strike.

Israel says, no humanitarian aid : Rejects truce: Israel, backed by the United States, has refused to set a date for ending its war on the Shiite Muslim Hezbollah that has killed more than 450 people in Lebanon, most of them civilians.

Aid workers lament no safe access to south Lebanon: Aid workers are finding it impossible to get medical supplies and food safely to isolated villages in southern Lebanon due to the Israeli bombardment, aid agencies said on Friday.

MSF: Aid corridors 'an illusion': An international medical charity has said that Israel's promised humanitarian aid corridors in south Lebanon are an illusion and that rockets have landed close to its teams two days in a row.

Lebanon: One In Five Homeless: With one in five of Lebanon's 3.8 million population homeless and hostilities continuing, WFP has launched a three-month US$8.9 million emergency operation to feed over 300,000 people, including 50,000 in Syria.

Hizbullah men await the Israelis: - Inside a well-furnished apartment in a village on the outskirts of Tyre, with shelves of books piled from floor to ceiling, a black turbaned cleric and three men sit sipping bitter coffee. By the door is a pile of Kalashnikovs and ammunition boxes; handguns are tucked into the men's trousers. The four are Hizbullah fighters, waiting for the Israelis.

Nasrallah says Rice mission to serve Israel: "Rice is returning to the region to try to impose her conditions on Lebanon again to serve her new Middle East project and to serve Israel," Nasrallah said in a televised speech.

Israel Retreats: Expert: Hizbullah announced earlier in the day that it forced Israeli soldiers to withdraw from the two strategic towns of Bint Jbeil and Maroon Al-Ras.

Lebanon’s Berri lambastes Arab leaders over war : Lebanon’s Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri lashed out at US-allied Arab governments on Friday for not doing enough to stop Israel’s war on his country.

People of character: Lebanese wounded turn cold shoulder on Jordan aid: Lebanese casualties are rejecting aid from Jordan in protest at what they view as its failure to press for an end to Israeli air strikes in the 17-day-old war against Hizbollah.

Hezbollah: Halt Israeli aggression: Hezbollah pledged on Saturday to deny the United States and Israel any political gains from the war in Lebanon as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flew to Jerusalem to discuss ways to end the 18-day-old conflict.

Lebanon to Israel: Return Shebaa Farms: Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has said that if Israel wants secure borders it must withdraw from the disputed Shebaa Farms area that it has occupied since 1967.

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