Monday, July 17, 2006


This is extraordinary. Usually, about 30,000 people take part in the Al-Jazeera on-line polls. The current one has shattered all records. So far, and in less than 3 days, 174,000 people participated!

It polls the Arab public, whether the resistance by Hezbollah is an uncalculated adventure (as the puppet Arab regimes led by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan claim) or that it is legitimate resistance.

92% said that it is legitimate resistance and disagreed with their dictators. This is quite an indictment of the servility of these regimes to Usrael. Do you see why Usrael does not want a true democracy in the Arab world?

هل ترى في مواجهة حزب الله مع إسرائيل؟

مغامرة غير محسوبة

مقاومة مشروعة


نتيجة التصويت لا تعبر عن رأي الجزيرة وإنما تعبر عن رأي الأعضاء المشاركين فيه.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The results are telling, though not at all surprising. I think it's a fair bet that Hizballah are the most popular organisation in the ARab world right now - outside of Lebanon, that is!

    The problem is, as we know, that the 'Arab street' will not make their feelings heard. If only they did, their lousy governments might not be so keen to make these US/Israel pleasing remarks in the future.
