Monday, July 17, 2006

Will We Go to War for Israel?

Israel says "Jump!"Americans ask: "How high?"
By Justin Raimondo

"What Israel wants is what they have always wanted: to use American power, American tax dollars and American lives to advance their own expansionist agenda.

The Israeli answer: invade Lebanon, force the issue, and go for the throat. With the Israel lobby going full-bore andthe propaganda mills churning, the invasion undermines the Rice faction and puts the issue of regime-change back on the administration's agenda. While that change of regime will, initially, be limited to southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah operates a de facto independent state, it will eventually –the neocons hope – extend to the whole of the country, toppleBashar al-Assad in Syria – and, eventually, spill over into Iran."


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Israel says "Jump!"Americans ask: "How high?"

    you are not very well informed about the world politics.

    you have a problem at home. it is called fanatical islam. it degrades those who do not agree with it, and it is a cause for many of your ills. but you would rather blame israel and the US. good luck with that ideology, it will get you very far, i mean , hasn't it already?

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Blah, blah, blah - yapetty, yapetty, boo.

    Is always the same, Israel did this. The US did that. We feel to sorry for ourselves.

    Look. I'm not a god damn JEW or MUSLIM. Yep, I'm in the US of A. My forefathers came from the commie crap hole called CUBA, and before that from SPAIN in fascism(in 1492 -Spaniards knew how much of a problem all of you are - I think is the circumscision thing that makes you JEWS & MUSLIM crazy. So I can talk with experience about US involvement in a country and communism and fascism. But what is the point. I got a life to lead.

    You people are just miserable humans. Yep, Israel took your land away, they treat you like crap. They are trying to tell you something. It has happened before thru the millenial of human history. Just like it happened to my family from Castro's commies came around and took our stuff away. In this you people remind me of the first generation of cubans that came to Miami after Castro, and how deluded they are in their thinking.

    One thing that I got to give to the JEWS is that I least they try to leave their lifes and do something for their own, the world, and humanity. Think of Albert Einstein and alike. Their not trying to blow up the world because they feel cheated.

    In short -get over it, you are not the first ones and you won't be the last one to get shafted in the planet.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    To the nasty commenters in here..This is always the response to any support for Palestine.Just squawk in insulting,mocking tones back at any voice of reason that tries to shed light on a perspective Israelis or Israeli supporters fear.Pretty much all the perspectives other than their own,that is.Seems the outrages will never end,but as time goes on,the selfish,cold and cruel attitudes towards smaller weaker nations like Palestine will backfire.One can only hope.

  4. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The Palestinians chose terrorists as their leaders and consequently are enjoying the fruits of their decision. If they would stop lobbing bombs into Israel and kidnapping soldiers maybe they would not be dying today.

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    What choices Palestine takes will be a burden on the innocents among the population. The real guilty ones are the leaders you have elected. They divert money to their Swiss Bank Accounts.
    If you want peace you have to accept Israel has a right to exist. The US supports the right for Israel to exist and protect itself.
    Israel has not done a lot trying to have peace. But can peace be made when one side constantly shoots at you. No the bottom line is that Palestinians must stop teaching hate. Must stop terrorism. If these do not happen then more people will die.

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Palstine? A fake country which approves of terrorism and killing...

    There won't ever be a Palestine... Arabs can go back to Arabia...

  7. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Israel? A fake country of European racists underwritten by American taxpayers.

  8. Anonymous10:47 AM

    don't worry, normal people are with you, even if our leaders are shamefully tip-toeing to avoid direct confrontation with israel and the big bully, usa. Don't expect much from the majority of the self-serving, fat, propaganda-fed and totally ignorant americans, though, as you can see from the comments before mine.

    -- a european

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    There are consequences to giving terrorist power. The Palestinians have been suffering along time because their leadership is terror based. The Lebanese are unfortunately now suffering for giving HA a free hand all these years.
    Israel is flourishing.

  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    As a US citizen who is way unhappy with our own stupid government, looks like both Israel and Palestine followed the same example-get a bunch of ashh**les elected-you haven't learned anything have you? You elect folks than are posuers with shotguns and weapons but don't even have a plan for reviving the economy. And you Palestinians what did you do with some good economic infrastructure that Israel left (greenhouses et al) you pillaged them-STUPID MOVE! I dunno what you Israelis and Palestinians want. You talk AT each other and you say God gave you this land blah blah blah-HAH GOD gives you nothing, if this is the way humans treat each other GOD should just wipe you all from the planet

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Hi American-
    I doubt you'll be able to understand these concepts, but here goes:
    The Internation Monetary Fund (can you say that?) gives the following figures for actual and projected economic growth rates from 2004 through 2007:

    Year 04 05 06 07
    US 4.2 3.5 3.4 3.3
    Israel 4.4 5.2 4.2 4.2

    Note how Israel's economic growth kicks the US's ass. And if you look it up, you'll see that our rate is higher than almost every other country's.

    Maybe the US's problem isn't their leaders, it's dumbasses like yourself!

    As for Palestine, don't even ask.

  12. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Hi American-
    I doubt you'll be able to understand these concepts, but here goes:
    The Internation Monetary Fund (can you say that?) gives the following figures for actual and projected economic growth rates from 2004 through 2007:

    Year 04 05 06 07
    US 4.2 3.5 3.4 3.3
    Israel 4.4 5.2 4.2 4.2

    Note how Israel's economic growth kicks the US's ass. And if you look it up, you'll see that our rate is higher than almost every other country's.

    Maybe the US's problem isn't their leaders, it's dumbasses like yourself!

    As for Palestine, don't even ask.
