Friday, August 11, 2006


By Tony Sayegh

There we go again; yet another story of alleged plot by British Muslims to blow up a total of 10 commercial jets en route between the UK and the US. No one has been charged, mind you, all those arrested will be questioned. If the past is any guide, they will probably be released, without any charges or trial. However, the intended effects are produced regardless of whether this was a real terror plot or not.

I am very skeptical for many reasons. First and foremost is the timing. It just so happened right when Tony Blair is facing a revolt among the British public, the Parliament and his own party over his criminal support of Israeli and American attacks on Lebanon and the war crimes committed there daily. I have also noticed that the announcement (even though US officials were briefed about the case about a week earlier) was made only one day after the defeat of Joseph Lieberman in the Democratic primary and Cheney's statement that this showed the Democrats were weak on fighting "terror."

There is a good chance that the UK government itself is continually fabricating such plots, since the case was "uncovered" by a government undercover agent who plotted with this group of British Pakistanis for about 6 months. Apparently the "plot" was only in the talking stage. Is it not conceivable that the whole "plot" was initiated by the government agent?

This "plot" was "discovered" just four weeks before the 9/11 anniversary; how convenient! The US and the British public have to be frightened periodically to keep them quiescent and to reduce opposition to the US-UK occupation of Iraq. The most recent surveys show up to 60% of the US public favor an end to that occupation and withdrawal of US troops within a year.

Equally important is that this "plot" comes at a time when Usrael is attacking and destroying yet another Arab country, Lebanon, and is preparing to attack two other countries, Iran and Syria. The US and UK propagandists need to keep linking all these endless wars and their frightening war crimes of terror to 9/11 and the "continuing terror threat." The announcement of the "plot" has allowed the Decider and the War President to strut around and to link it to what he called his war on "Islamic fascists." Big words Mr. Decider! He always likes to portray himself as the modern Churchill saving Western civilization and defeating the powers of the Axis.

This will not be the last "plot" to be "discovered." As the preparations for the attacks on Iran and Syria get into high gear, expect the propaganda machine to get equally feverish.

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