Friday, August 11, 2006

Fascist Christian Militia With History of War Crimes Consulting With Fascist Israeli Occupation Army Also Guilty Of War Crimes

Israel has called on the services of the Christian militia it once sponsored in Lebanon to help its current fight against Hizbollah, the militia's former leader has disclosed.

Gen Anton Lahad assumed control of the South Lebanon Army (SLA) in 1984 - two years after it was implicated in the massacre of up to several thousand Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila.

Now he says that Israel is tapping into his expertise in secret meetings.

Now the fascinating part to me is not that one fascist likes to consult with another fascist... no, no the absolutely fascinating part to me is the fact that the Christian fascists have absolutely no dignity or pride. Who can forget the images of the SLA standing at the border between "Israel" and Lebanon begging--yes, literally begging and pleading to be let into Israel when Israel was run out of Southern Lebanon by Hezbollah? I certainly won't forget it:

"Oh please let us in Israeli masters, we are more like you than we are like them. We won't cause any problems, we'll just lick your boots clean and we'll wash dishes at your restaurants, pleaseeeeee!"

The Israelis gave them a swift kick in the ass and sent back to Lebanon.

So you can understand why I am so fascinated by the "consultations" between one set of fascists with the other.

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