Sunday, October 8, 2006

Bring (Australian) troops home from Iraq now: poll

"NEARLY six in 10 people say Australia should withdraw troops from Iraq, as Labor surges ahead of the Government on primary votes in the ACNielsen/Age poll.

For the first time in a year, Labor's primary vote has passed the Coalition, jumping three points to 42 per cent, while the Government is polling 39 per cent, down three points since early September.

As Iraq descends further into a quagmire the poll finding will give Labor more confidence that it is safe to push its policy of withdrawal, which has been seen as somewhat double edged. It is still not clear, however, the extent to which Iraq, which has been a political nightmare for US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, will bite in Australia, where Prime Minister John Howard has not so far felt much political backlash from it. Mr Howard's personal approval has shown a slight fall.

The issue of Iraq, which Labor is now talking up as a point of difference with the Government, is polarising voters on party lines. Fifty-nine per cent say Australian troops should leave; 36 per cent believe they should stay. But while 56 per cent of Coalition voters think they should remain, only a quarter of ALP voters agree.

Asked whether they supported Australia's involvement in Iraq, voters' views were unchanged since February, with 55 per cent opposing, and 38 per cent supporting."

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