Sunday, October 8, 2006

The Six Percent Solution Illusion

By Kurt Nimmo

"In less than a month, a small number of Americans will trek to the polling stations and vote for their preferred mobster, pederast, and warmonger, or all of the above. Oddly, millions of Americans believe their mobster, pederast, and warmonger is better than likewise in another district or state, and thus, once again, the criminal incumbency will thrive for another poisonous cycle, inflicting yet more damage on this former republic, now a unitary decidership.

Most of us are unaware of the fact the country was long ago compromised by corporatism and authoritarianism. In order to proliferate, corporate authoritarianism—the very essence, as Mussolini knew, of fascism—is obliged to appoint the most depraved, immoral, unscrupulous, violent, and, indeed, psychopathic individuals to government office. Nero and Caligula presaged the fall of the Roman Empire. Bush and Hillary Clinton will do likewise with Pax Americana, the corporate empire.

None of this will change come Election Day. It does not matter if Diebold voting machines can be hacked via blackdoor shenanigans, or if “soft money” and political action committees dominate electoral campaigns, because the problem is the American people, who are ignorant, intellectually incurious, and plugged en masse into the Borg Hive of corporate media.

Most Americans live in the Unicomplex, foursquare inside the Delta Quadrant, and even if they wanted to resist, instead of following every libidinous gyration of Jessica Simpson, they are, with every passing day and every signing statement penned by our unitary decider, hard pressed and, increasingly, cast as treacherous enemies of the state, now a universal crime punishable by disappearing, torture, coerced confession via waterboarding, secret military tribunal, and possible execution."

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