Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Evidence: Militias are working with the Iraqi Police and Army

(Click on to enlarge)


"To / Gen Ghassan Albaoui-police chief of Diyala
Brigadier Mudhafar and Brigadier General Karim Qassem,

Under the slogan of [the Shiites are the Winners]

In a few days a battalion of [200] fighters from the "Mahdi army" loyal to the Shiites religious authorities, will enter the province of Diyala, to clean it from the Sunni terrorists, especially from these regions [Names of districts in Baquba – Diyala province].

We have prepared a plan and it is ready for the full implementation, our sources collected valuable information from the areas mentioned above, we ask your cooperation with us as much as possible with thanks and appreciation.

Explain the steps below you plan to get rid of the Sunnis:

Our force will come in cars and Humvee’st of the Iraqi Army, ambulances and police vehicles, wearing Iraqi army and police uniforms.

- We will block the mentioned areas to arrest the terrorists and destroy their homes and rape their wives, as Muqtada al-Sadr said in one of his valuable speeches [kill them wherever you find them].

- The duration of the operation is three days after that we will take the detainees into the Army intelligence and integrate them to lose attention from regular citizens and then in the night we will take them to Baghdad "to do the rest".

Thank you
Abu Hussein al-Tamimi
Commander of the Al-Mahdi Army"

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