Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Washington seeks to deploy its troops along Gaza borders with Egypt

Nazareth - The USA has proposed the deployment of the international forces, currently stationed in the Sinai peninsula under American command, along the Egyptian borders with the Gaza Strip, according to Israeli press reports on Tuesday.

They said that the USA would help the Egyptian border guards in monitoring the smuggling of weapons into the Strip.

The reports noted that the request was offered after the American administration sent a military team grouping experts in fighting "terrorism" to the Egyptian borders with Gaza. They claimed that the team presented a negative image on the Egyptian efforts in checking such smuggle operations, which prompted Washington to table its offer.

In a similar step, Washington was also proposing boosting the presidential forces of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli press sources said.

They said that the US administration suggested that military trainers from Egypt, Britain and Jordan could contribute in training those forces, loyal to Abbas, in order to consolidate their power in face of the growing popularity and strength of the Hamas Movement.

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