Wednesday, November 8, 2006

another attack against Beit Hanoun Vilage

Latest From Dr. Mona El-Farra

"this morning 6.30 am , army tanks on the east of the vilage fired missiles against some homes of Beit Hanoun vILAGHE ,the outcome was disasterous , 11, members opf one family were killed , total death toll is 22 , and may increase in the next hoyurs , the injuries are serious and very critical , including many women and children

here in Palestine we have the choice of dying or continuing to refuse injustice , and struggle to reach our national inaleinable goals

the international community knows verwell what is the Geneva fourth covintion , no need to remind you of civilians protection in war and peace time

Israel new geneva convintion intrepretation is kill more and more of civilians

alawda hospital -jabalia"

See More of DR. El-Farra's Photos

"Palestinian medical sources reported that dozens of Palestinian citizens had been killed or injured in an Israeli artillery bombardment of Beit Hanoun in the
north of Gaza Strip. A large number of women and children were also injured in the shelling.

The sources said the preliminary number of the citizens killed is 18, but rising. In addition, more than 35 were injured. Many of the dead arrived at the
hospital fragmented in pieces.

The bombing targeted the house of two brothers, Sa'ed and Sa'di Al-'Athamneh from Al-Kafarneh district in the town of Beit Hanoun.

Eleven members of the Al-'Athamneh family were killed, including a one-year old girl. The killed are:

Ne'meh Al-'Athamneh
Mohammed Al-'Athamneh
Mahmoud Al-'Athamneh
Mahdi Al-'Athamneh
Sa'ed Al-'Athamneh
Mohammed Al-'Athamneh
Fatmeh Al-'Athamneh
Nihad Al-'Athamneh
Arafat Al-'Athamneh
Dima Al-'Athamneh (1 year old girl)
Another young girl, Ala' Al-'Athamneh

The medical services are identifying the rest of the dead but it is proving difficult to identify them due to their fragmented bodies and the critical condition in which they arrived at the Kamal 'Udwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya. In Kamal 'Udwan Hospital, there are 12 dead and in Kamal Naser Hospital there are 4 dead. The number of people killed is raising by the minute.

Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli artillery bombed the houses while the residents were sleeping, resulting in the large number of casualties.
Palestinians are comparing this massacre to the Qana massacre by the Israeli army in south Lebanon 3 months ago

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