Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Hezbollah S.G. condemns Beit Hanoun massacre; stresses money, arms and medicine should be sent to steadfast Palestinians

"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said in a statement Wednesday that the savage Israeli massacre in Beit Hanoun is a new witness on the racist and hegemonic nature of this enemy, and constitutes a new chapter in a series of this entity's moving massacres, especially in Palestine and Lebanon since its creation. His eminence's statement added: " Children are the same from Qana to Beit Hanoun, the Women are the same the blood is one and the honor, fate and battle are one." "Once again, scenes of body parts, blood and tears as well as the cries of the mothers bereaving their children, move us as the world stands silent and submissive. Where are the Arabs? Where are the Arab rulers? Where are their live powers? Where are their proud peoples? Where is the Arab scream of anger in the face of the butchers, to deter them and make them feel that more killings will take them to the end. The least duty of the nation and the peoples at this stage, is to firmly condemn the criminal nature of the Zionists, to express resentment in every possible means and to work on ending the blockade of the Palestinian people. Money, arms and medicine should be sent to this steadfast people who, with confidence in Allah and with its brave fighters and its patience, can repeat the victory that occurred in Lebanon. The whole nation is in front of new an key test and we should shoulder responsibility." "

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