Thursday, November 9, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

At least 41 killed in ongoing bloody U.S. occupation: A total of six people were shot dead, including a police officer, in Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, a medical source said.

29 Bodies Found Scattered Around Baghdad: Police in Baghdad found 29 bodies around the capital in the last 24 hours with gunshot wounds and signs of torture, an Interior Ministry source said.

Baghdad car bomb blast kills six, wounds 28: A car bomb in central Baghdad killed six people and wounded 28 more on Thursday, an interior ministry source said.

US was warned of Iraq chaos, says ex-diplomat : He claimed that when official documents from the Foreign Office are made public, they will prove that the view of British officials, repeatedly conveyed to the Americans, was that overthrowing Saddam Hussein would cause chaos.

Dahr Jamai: Bechtel's billions down the drain : The decision of the giant engineering company Bechtel to withdraw from Iraq has left many Iraqis feeling betrayed. In the company's departure, they see the end of remaining hopes for the reconstruction of Iraq.

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