Thursday, November 9, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Anger as Gaza buries its dead: Tens of thousands of Palestinians wept and screamed for revenge as they buried 18 civilians killed by Israeli shelling in a massive funeral in Gaza on Thursday.

US to veto int’l probe on Gaza attack: United States expected to veto Security Council decision against Israel regarding recent IDF operations in occupied Gaza

Venezuela's Chavez condemns IDF shelling in Gaza: "This morning Israel again, against UN resolutions, began bombing Gaza ... sleeping children and their mothers perished," Chavez said at a news conference with foreign journalists.

Israeli forces beat schoolchildren in occupied Jerusalem: More than 25 female and male school students were beaten, amongst them 8 female students, who were fiercely beaten, causing one of them to lose consciousness.

French troops almost fired at Israel jets: minister: French peacekeeping troops in Lebanon recently came within two seconds of firing missiles at Israeli fighter jets that approached as if to attack them, French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said.

Are Democrats' gains in House good for Israel?: Supporters of Israel are expected to lean heavily on the party's incoming House Democratic leadership

Pelosi’s support for Israel: With Pelosi as speaker, Jewish activists and officials are confident that the U.S. Congress will remain strongly pro-Israel.

In case you missed it: Nancy Pelosi Gives A Pep Talk To AIPAC: The speech affords a up-close look at what Pelosi thinks about Israel, the Palestinians, the Mideast, and nukes.

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