Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Egyptian FM: We appreciate Israeli restraint

Arab Puppets Lining Up To Kiss Olmert's Ass

PM's office says Aboul Gheit welcomes Israeli efforts to strengthen PA moderates. Olmert to meet Mubarak next week in Egypt

"Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit expressed his country's appreciation of Israel's policy of restraint and efforts to empower moderates in the Palestinian Authority, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office said in a statement issued following the meeting held between the two leaders earlier Wednesday in Jerusalem.

According to the statement Olmert and Aboul Gheit spoke of the continuous ceasefire breaches and their implications. The PM explained the complexity of the situation due to incessant rocket attacks against Israel throughout the ceasefire and Israel's need to preserve the lives of its citizens.

The two also spoke of Olmert's upcoming meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and general Mideast developments. Olmert also stressed the importance of preventing arms smuggling across the Egypt-Gaza border."

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