Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We All Want to Live!

Samah Idriss, Al-Adab Magazine. Translation by Tadmaon!, 27 December 2006
Electronic Lebanon

"........"We want to live!" This is what president Siniora says, repeating the slogans posted on bulletin boards across the capital these days. Those promoting the new slogan may be no different from those who, after the end of the Syrian tutelage, promoted the slogan "Independence 05" followed, a few months later, by the slogan "Dependence 06", mocking and ridiculing the first! We, of course, want to live like Siniora wants. But, "free and dignified" living has to include everyone: our captives in the jails of occupation that have sacrificed for us, our people in the South dwelling amid daily Israeli violations and in the danger that one of the one million two hundred thousand cluster bomblets dropped by Israel during the last hours before the cease-fire could explode in the face of their sons and daughters. Free and dignified living should include the poor and dispossessed, low-income employees and the victims of Hariri’s "reconstruction"— most people neither benefited from his upscale Solidère or from his luxurious airport. "We want to live" should include, as well, the more than three hundred thousand Palestinians who, in the camps of misery, are simply not "living". And, by the way, only one thing "lives" better now than at anytime in the past: the banks!"

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