Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Nearly as Many Contractors as Soldiers in Iraq: There are about 100,000 government contractors operating in Iraq, not counting subcontractors, a total that is approaching the size of the US military force there, according to the military's first census of the growing population of civilians operating in the battlefield.

DEFENSE SECRETARY NOMINEE GATES SAYS DOES NOT BELIEVE AMERICA IS WINNING IN IRAQ : Robert Gates, the White House choice to be the next defense secretary, conceded Tuesday that the United States is not winning the war in Iraq and warned that if that country is not stabilized in the next year or two it could lead to a "regional conflagration."

Tony Snow: President Disagrees, Says We Are 'Winning' in Iraq...

Arab silence allowed Iran influence in Iraq: FM :
Iran's influence over Iraq was made possible by the absence of decisive Arab involvement in the war-torn country, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari charged.

At least 30 killed in Baghdad attacks : Armed men killed 14 employees of a Shia religious foundation in the Iraqi capital, while three car bombs killed 16 people in a separate attack near a petrol station in a religiously mixed area.

Gates says U.S. not winning in Iraq : Robert Gates, nominated to replace Donald Rumsfeld as U.S. defense secretary, on Tuesday said he did not believe the United States was winning the war in Iraq.

U.S. plans to hand over control of Iraq military in 6-7 months, general says : This is part of an accelerated timetable discussed by President Bush and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki during their summit in Jordan last week.

Prime minister says Iraq will call for regional conference on stabilizing country : The prime minister said Tuesday he will call for a regional conference on ending Iraq's rampant violence, with the government appearing to back down from previous opposition to handing neighboring nations a say in Iraqi affairs.

Is John McCain now the most dangerous man in America? These statements certainly make it clear that he lacks the judgment and skill necessary to be President. Let's look at each of his wacky comments in turn.

More troops won't help: The latest serpent at which a drowning Washington Establishment is grasping is the idea of sending more American troops to Iraq. Would more troops turn the war there in America's favor? No.

Iran urges Arab countries to eject U.S. military : Iran's top national security official urged his Arab neighbors today to eject the U.S. military from American bases in the region and instead join Tehran in a regional security alliance.

Six comments on the situation : When the first Gulf War ended in 1991, Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, then chief of military intelligence, was asked why the Americans didn't finish off Saddam Hussein. His answer was prophetic: Better a live Saddam, slightly battered, than a dead one. Only he can prevent a battle of Gog and Magog between the Sunnis and the Shi'ites. Too bad Bush junior didn't consult Lipkin-Shahak before invading Iraq.

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