Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

IDF 'using psychiatric clause to exempt settlers from draft' : The Israel Policy Center filed an administrative petition at the Tel Aviv District Court yesterday against the Israel Defense Forces, demanding access to data regarding the number of teens not conscripted into the army because of their participation in anti-disengagement protests or the disturbances at the illegal outpost of Amona.

MK Bishara to MK Erdan: Go f*** yourself: MK Gilad Erdan (Likud) in favor of the legislation, told Chairman of the National Democratic Assembly MK Azmi Bishara - clearly in reference to the MK's meeting with Bashar Assad - that he could "go hold a position in Syria". In response, Bishara told him "you can go f*** yourself."

Israeli Arabs: Jewish co-existence a challenge: Higher Arab Monitoring Committee Chairman Shawki Khatib explained, "We've already seen the reality of which the Arab public says to the Jewish public, 'I want to live together, and I really mean it', but the Jewish public has still not reached the same conclusion."

Palestine core to peace in Mideast: Dr Nazif said that resolution of the Palestinian conflict is the core for the alleviation of tension in the Middle East. "The Arab region is subject to numerous political problems — in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon and Sudan," Dr Nazif said.

Israel is the Worst Brand in the World: The Nation Brand Index surveys a regular list of 35 nations, with Israel added to the list for the first time for this survey and analysis. For example, respondents around the world were asked: "How strongly do you agree with the statement that this country behaves responsibly in the areas of international peace and security?" Israel scored the lowest of all 36 countries surveyed. Even Americans placed Israel 35th out of 36, with China last.

Meet the Green Line : "Most textbook maps label the area east of Egypt not as 'Israel' but as 'Palestine,'" Dr. Steinitz wrote. It would be interesting to know how Steinitz and his right-wing comrades will react to Education Minister Yuli Tamir's instruction that all maps in new editions of Israeli textbooks show the Green Line. Tamir says we cannot demand that our Arab neighbors note the 1967 borders when our education system has erased them from textbooks and student awareness.

Arab children may lose preschools : Almost 1,000 Arab and Bedouin children may soon face closed doors with some 300 preschools face closure as the Ministry of Education cracks down on groups operating in residential homes without the necessary permits.

Blair to call for Palestine move during US visit: Tony Blair is to fly to the US tomorrow for talks with President Bush and US congressional leaders to urge America to recommit itself to the wider Middle East peace process, as one way of dampening the near civil war in Iraq.

I n spite of sickness, detainee sentenced to twenty-two life terms: Al Hotari is suffering a sickness in his eyes, and is gradually losing his sight especially since he is not receiving the needed medical treatment and attention. His lawyer said that there were no convicting evidences against his client for the claimed involvement

PA crisis: Waiting for Abbas' speech: The failed efforts to form a unity government have thrown the Palestinian Authority into an even deeper political crisis. President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to address the Palestinian people in the coming days, perhaps as early as Tuesday, to explain the steps he plans on taking.

Palestinian PM says national unity gov't talks must continue : "The door for dialogue must be kept open and talks between the Palestinians must continue," he told reporters in the Syrian capital. "However, if there are sides among the Palestinians who want to close the door on dialogue, then they alone would bear responsibility for the results of their position," Haniyeh said .

Israeli army takes 14 residents prisoner in several West Bank areas : In the southern West Bank city of Hebron troops invaded the village of Sourif, Al Soura, Al Riha, and Al Fawwar refugee camp and took prisoner seven residents. Several army forces invaded the villages and the refugee camp, troops attacked residents houses, ransacked and searched them before taking the seven to unknown locations.

Arab MK Bishara to propose bill to return expropriated land : Attorney Suhad Bishara, representing the Adalah Center, a rights advocacy group which deals with land rulings, said the proposal is meant to complement a verdict reached by the High Court, "which clearly states that the bond between the expropriated land and its owners remains even after the land is taken."

Israel offers to free 1,000 in exchange for release of Shalit : "It is hard to envision a scenario in which Israel agrees to release Marwan Barghouti [a leading Fatah figure sentenced for his role in the deaths of Israelis] but in any case, it should be understood that names have not been discussed at this point. We have only talked about numbers," the Israeli source added.

Army hands out demolishing orders to several residents in Hebron : Army claimed that the huts are too close to a (ILLEGAL) settlers road known as Road 60. 40 families will be homeless in the military order was implemented, local sources reported.

Child detainee threatened with rape during interrogation: A Palestinian child detainee (Dhia' Mahdi Al Bostami, 15, from Nablus), who was taken prisoner by the Israeli forces two months ago, said that he was threatened with rape by Israeli interrogators unless he confesses to what they accuse him with. The child also said that he was tortured for 25 days and was confined to solitary in Petah Tikva prison.

Sabatash checkpoint closed indefinitely: The Palestinian man asked for one last favour before he was to be killed – for the soldiers to deliver the warm clothes to his son and wife. The soldiers then took the clothes and burned them in front of the man as he lay naked on the ground. After more than 12 hours of humiliation, the soldiers pushed the handcuffed man down a steep slope, cutting his skin on thorns and rocks. Nearby villagers rushed out to take care of him as the soldiers left and he eventually returned home, with both arms broken.

An appeal for an abandoned people: The Independent's Christmas Appeal will focus on the dispossessed of the Palestinian territories, for whom 2006 has been the worst of times .

Israel refuses visa extensions for foreign passport holders: In a new escalation of Israel's policy of denying Palestinians and their families access to the Israeli occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), the Israeli Civil Administration at Beit El is refusing to accept at least 140 passports for visa extensions. The passport holders are mostly spouses and children of Palestinian I.D.-holders and are residing in the oPt. Many of them have been forced to become "illegal" since their visitor visas have expired while waiting to be renewed by Israel.

Witness to checkpoint abuse "punished" by IOF: Police claimed that the HRW had struck one of the soldiers and asked him to sign a document promising never to visit Nablus again. The aggrieved HRW refused, pleading wrongful arrest and physical abuse. He was then asked to sign a document promising not to argue with Israeli soldiers at Huwwara checkpoint for a period of 15 days, before being released without charge at approximately 10pm.

Palestinian killed in attack : Palestinian security officials said the Israeli occupation soldiers opened fire at a restaurant on Monday, killing a civilian and wounding two others - the resistance fighter and a teenager.

Haniya reaffirms Palestinian right to resist Israel: Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniya of the Islamist movement Hamas insisted on Tuesday on the right of the Palestinians to resist Israeli occupation of their land.

Rabbis ban use of schoolbooks showing pre-1967 border: An organization of right-wing rabbis on Tuesday issued a Halakhic decree forbidding students from using schoolbooks featuring maps of Israel which include the pre-1967 Green Line border, Israel Radio reported.

There has to be equality: If Britons can join the Israeli army, those who fight for Palestine can't be treated as terrorists.

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