Thursday, December 7, 2006

Nasrallah addresses Lebanese opposition demonstrators and the ruling block is still in denial despite lack of popular trust


"Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah addresses Lebanese National Opposition demonstrators at the Riyad el-Soloh and Martyrs Squares Thursday at 8:30 pm Beirut time (1830 GMT). As the open sit-in entered its seventh day, the determination to topple the unconstitutional government of Fouad Saniora is increasing. On the other hand the die-hard ruling bloc looks in denial. They seem more and more willing to monopolize power in Lebanon claiming they still have the support of the Lebanese. But the last seven days proved to the world that Saniora and his ruling team have lost the trust of their people. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said after meeting Saniora last week, that Saniora and his bloc might have an international support but they lack the support of their people. The follow up committee for the so called February 14 powers has refused all local and international initiatives to solve the crisis and vowed to stick to the proposal of Saniora. The committee held its meeting at the Parliament office of Future Movement member MP Walid Ido, who earlier said that he would sell his blood to buy arms to confront the opposition. It also refused what it called an attempt to bring down or disable the government, though a so called "disabling third" of seats in the cabinet. The committee also discussed "constitutional paths" for the next stage and convening the parliament to endorse the tribunal of international character. The National opposition says that Saniora's government is unconstitutional and lacks popular support and therefore, it does not represent the Lebanese and cannot take decisions on their behalf. "

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