Thursday, December 7, 2006

Pro-US Lebanese Government getting ready to use force to stay in power

Beirut, and its suburbs, along with the whole of Lebanon are again in the spotlight of the Anglo-American agenda in the Middle East, which is part of a broader U.S. sponsored geopolitical agenda entitled the Project for a “New Middle East.”

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Global Research, December 7, 2006

".......The U.S.-sponsored Lebanese government has no solid hope of maintaining power unless it uses force or if there is foreign intervention on its behalf. There are growing indications that both these options are being considered. Lebanon is being militarized once again, primarily at the expense of its people.

It seems that Lebanon is possibly on the verge of erupting into an Anglo-American sponsored civil war, something that the Israeli siege against Lebanon, as planned, failed to initiate during the summer of 2006.

Saudi Arabia has also played a major role in creating divisions both in Lebanon and the Middle East between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Reports have also suggested that pro-government/government controlled militias, including Walid Jumblatt’s PSP (Progressive Socialist Party) and Samir Geagea’s LF (Lebanese Forces) are arming themselves in various areas of Lebanon........

Moreover, the Lebanese government has–since the Israeli siege last Summer–been upgrading its forces and increasing its manpower. The current government has also entered into military cooperation agreements (including the supply of weapons) with several European NATO members/countries as well as with Arab countries,such as the U.A.E., which are members of the NATO sponsored Mediterranean Dialogue and the expanding NATO initiative into the Persian Gulf......."

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