Sunday, January 7, 2007

Abu Marzouk: Palestinian internal struggle over decision-making

"Damascus - Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk, deputy political bureau chairman of the Hamas Movement, on Sunday affirmed that international and regional pressures along with internal struggle in the Palestinian arena aimed at controlling the national decision making.

He stressed that the Palestinian "national project" should be re-built in order to include all Palestine and not only the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas leader said that two programs were present in the Palestinian arena the first encouraged a settlement with Israel and the second championed resistance to grab rights, which is winning vast popularity.

He noted that many countries did not like the second program, adopted by Hamas, and thus tried all sorts of political, economic and diplomatic siege and other pressures in a bid to eliminate that option.

Abu Mazrouk opined that the chaotic events and security mess in the West Bank and Gaza fell in line with an American scheme aimed at spreading what they call "creative chaos".

He warned that Israel might exploit the current internal Palestinian differences to expand colonization of the West Bank and to judaize occupied Jerusalem. "

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