Sunday, January 7, 2007

Six armed wings: We will stop civil war by force

"Gaza - Six Palestinian armed wings on Sunday told a press conference in Gaza city that they would use force if they have to in order to stop civil war in the PA-run lands and held PA chief Mahmoud Abbas responsible for ramifications of his latest decision on the interior ministry's executive force.

They said that they would not allow "agents and traitors" to drag the Palestinian arena into the marsh of civil war even if "we have to chop off a number of treacherous elements and strike them with an iron first".

The armed wings of Hamas, popular resistance committees, Fatah and PFLP-GC vowed before the Palestinian people to remain the shield of national unity.

They expressed surprise at Abbas' decision outlawing the PA interior ministry's executive force, noting that it came in harmony with Israeli demands.

The armed wings urged members of all security apparatuses not to allow conspirators to drive a wedge between them and members of the executive force, renewing their support for that force. "