Friday, April 27, 2007

The Losers "Leading" Palestinian Surrender

Mash'al and Abbas summoned to Cairo by Egyptian intelligence chief;
Egypt praised for halting an Israeli offensive

".......Well-informed Palestinian sources said that Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman had sent an urgent letter to Abbas and Mash'al urging them to come to Cairo for a meeting at the earliest possible opportunity.

Israeli letter: end the projectile-launching!

The sources said that this letter concentrated on the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli threats to invade the Strip, in addition to the continued projectile-launching at Israeli towns. The sources added that the letter was sent by Suleiman after the Egyptians received an urgent letter from the Israeli government, calling them to pressure the Palestinian Authority leadership to stop the projectile-launching from the Strip.

The letter is also reported to confirm that Israel will launch a wide military operation if the projectiles continue.

Mubarak's efforts

On Thursday, the head of negotiations in the Palestine Liberation Organisation, Saeb Erekat, hailed the role of Egyptian President Husni Mubarak in preventing an Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip........"


Celebrate the Palestinian "leadership's" capitulation to the Egyptian CIA asset Suleiman who was capitulating to Israeli orders to stop or else. I expect Habila to hold a press conference any minute now to wave and smile and praise the heroic role of brotherly Egypt and this great Palestinian victory.

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