Friday, April 27, 2007

A Slap in the Face of the "Unity Government"

EU Commissioner: EU funds to continue to bypass Palestinian government, concern about violations of international law

"Bethlehem - Ma'an - EU Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid Louis Michel has stated that the European Union will continue to bypass the Palestinian government, which is headed by a Hamas prime minister, until this government overtly recognizes Israel, renounces terror and demonstrates its commitment to the previously signed peace agreements, Palestinian journalistic sources have said.

Mr. Michel said, "As long as these demands are not met, there will be no change in the system or style, or the aid presented by the European Union." Speaking to UN officials, Mr. Michel has assured that UN agencies can count on continued EU support for projects in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The Palestinians had hoped that the formation of the Palestinian national unity government in mid March would motivate the EU and other major donors to lift the economic embargo, which was imposed on the Palestinian Authority when Hamas won the legislative elections in January 2006......."


What is the point of maintaining this beggar of a government when all it is capable of is capitulating to everyone's dictates while providing nothing to the Palestinians.

Who needs this disgrace besides Usrael?

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