Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Abbas' Thugs Even Beat Up Marwan Barghouthi's Family

Presidential Guards assault Marwan Barghouthi's family

"Ramallah - Ma'an – The Palestinian presidential guards assaulted members of jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouthi's immediate family in the West Bank city of Ramallah Monday evening.

According to the Ramallah daily Al-Hayat al-Jadida, Rafiq Husseini, head of the Presidential Court, has promised to investigate the attacks.

Ruba Barghouthi, Mr. Barghouthi's daughter, was returning home from university Monday evening when, Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported, the presidential guards stopped her. The officers searched Ms. Barghouthi's car, looking through her cassette tapes, despite her protests and those of her mother, who she called from a mobile phone. The guards then asked Ms. Barghouthi to accompany them to the Mukataa, Mahmoud Abbas' presidential compound, the newspaper said.

The report said Ms. Barghouthi refused to move from the roadside. Ms. Barghouthi's brother Qassam Barghouthi, her uncle, and another male relative arrived on the scene. When they arrived the guards assaulted Qassam Barghouthi and aimed their weapons at the heads of the other two men.

More presidential guards then arrived, Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported. Dozens of the guards were said to beat and abuse Qassam Barghouthi. The presidential guards also assaulted passers by who attempted to intervene and protect Mr. Barghouthi.

Dozens of young Palestinian men gathered in the area, calling on the Palestinian Authority to take action against the attackers......"

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