Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sources: Abbas asked Olmert to stop supplying fuel to Gaza power station

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- PA chief Mahmoud Abbas has asked Israeli premier Ehud Olmert to stop supplying Gaza power station with fuel in order to impose an electricity blackout on its various districts to embarrass Hamas, reliable sources in Abbas's office said.

The sources said on Tuesday that Abbas urged the Israelis to end fuel supplies at the pretext it would support "terrorism". The request came after the PA legitimate interior ministry's executive force in Gaza arrested the director general of the Gaza electricity company over financial and administrative corruption charges.

Israel supplies Gaza power station with 360,000 liters of fuel on daily basis to operate the 60-Megawatt station, which provides 30% of Gaza needs of power supply.

The sole power station in Gaza was bombed by the IOF warplanes in June last year.

Abbas had issued a number of presidential edicts aimed at isolating and excluding Hamas from the Palestinian political scene after its fighters controlled Gaza in mid June to put an end to rampant security chaos and assaults targeting its cadres and public institutions."

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