Monday, July 2, 2007

American plan to subdue Palestinian resistance

"AMMAN, (PIC)-- The US administration is currently marketing a neo-old plan to impose military administration on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in a bid to wipe out the Palestinian resistance factions' armed wings.

Jordanian daily 'Adestour' on Sunday quoted unidentified American sources as saying that the government of George Bush was refurbishing an old plan tabled few years ago during the Israeli siege imposed on late PA chief Yasser Arafat and the Israeli re-occupation of West Bank cities.

The sources said that Washington made use of the PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's call for deployment of international forces in the Gaza Strip then in the West Bank to market its old plan anew.

The plan envisages the deployment of strongly armed 20,000 soldiers from NATO in both Palestinian areas with the main goals of neutralizing "separatist wings in the Palestinian leadership" and halting internal Palestinian "violence", which indirectly entails striking Palestinian armed wings.

The NATO would maintain operation rooms in Nablus, Jerusalem, Al-Khalil and Gaza, according to the plan.

Meanwhile, the PFLP warned of exploiting the current internal rift in the Palestinian arena to wipe out Palestinian resistance.

Jamil Mizher, a PFLP politburo member, said in Gaza that a comprehensive, national dialogue was imperative, under Arab supervision, to implement the national concord document."

US plans to deploy NATO forces in the Palestinian territories

"Bethlehem – Ma'an – The Jordanian daily newspaper ad-Dostour reported on Monday that the United States plan to subdue the West Bank militarily and deploy international forces in the Gaza Strip.

The newspaper's correspondent quoted US sources as saying that President Bush's government is promoting a former US plan, which was unveiled during the besiegement of the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

The sources said that the US administration adopted Palestinian President Abbas' call to deploy international forces in the Gaza Strip, and subsequently the West Bank, as a preliminary move to pave way for the enforcement of the US strategy.

Ad-Dostour reported that "while the deployment of international forces is not accepted by the Palestinian public, the US government asserts that it does not entail the deployment of US forces directly. "Instead, the US has discussed international forces involving NATO. The new Middle East envoy of the Quartet, Tony Blair, will be in charge of the task. The US Security Coordinator, Keith Dayton, will also take part in the preparation of the plan." "

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