Monday, July 2, 2007

The Palestinians Are Determined to Never Learn; the IOF uses Guerrilla Tactics but the Palestinians Don't! Incredible!!

IOF disguised units assassinate Palestinian resistance commander

"JENIN, (PIC)-- IOF soldiers disguised in plain clothes at dawn Monday murdered one of the AMB, Fatah armed wing, field commanders in the Jenin refugee camp, local sources reported.

They said that the invasion troops fired at Mohammed Omar Abul Haija, 24, killing him instantly when one of the bullets hit him in the chest.

The sources said that the disguised soldiers infiltrated into the camp under the dark and hid among civilian homes to ambush the resistance fighters. They explained that IOF armored vehicles advanced into the camp prompting the resistance fighters to confront them at which time the hiding soldiers ambushed the fighters and killed Abul Haija.

The AMB mourned Abul Haija, describing him as one of the most prominent field commanders who has been wanted for the IOF over a year. The armed wing vowed to hit back at Israeli targets in reprisal to continued IOF crimes against the Palestinian people......."


The IOF is systematically eliminating all resistance leaders and yet the Palestinians stubbornly refuse to learn! No it is not a genetic defect, it is stupid leadership.

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