Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Did Hariri meet Olmert or …??!!!

Al-Manar Special - Abdullah Shamseddine - Translated /

"18/07/2007 Although the office of Future parliamentary bloc MP Saad Hariri has fiercely denied what the Israeli press reported about his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert at the Jordanian royal palace, the Israeli daily Maariv quoted Olmert as saying, "We are not going to give information about this meeting," implicitly admitting its occurrence. The Israeli daily reported that the circumstances are suitable for such meeting, adding that Olmert secretly visited the palace of King Abdullah II last Wednesday at the same time MP Hariri was there to meet the Jordanian king for a long time.
These Israeli leaks come after news reporting Israeli – Saudi connections, and its latest was that the interview with Ehud Olmert by Saudi "Al-Arabiyya" TV Channel was made after Saudi Royal Council has given the Channel the green light. The interview was dated to be aired in the first anniversary of the Israeli aggression against Lebanon, in which the Channel launched an aggressive campaign against the Lebanese resistance and its historical achievement. Worth mentioning in this respect, the main role of Secretary-General of the Saudi National Security Council Prince Bandar bin Sultan who, according to the Israeli media, attended a meeting for the heads of the Quartet's Intelligence systems in Sharm El Sheikh few months ago and with the participation of senior Israeli security officials. The Israeli media reported earlier that this was the same place where head of the unconstitutional Lebanese government Fouad Saniora has met Olmert under the sponsorship of the Egyptian president, a meeting which was denied by Saniora's office that day.
Hariri's meeting with the Israeli enemy Premier was officially denied by his office without any clarification on the Jordanian part and it also concurred with Israeli media violations that took place this month after a correspondent for Channel 10 and another for Israeli daily Yediot Aharanot infiltrated Lebanon and made field trips in Beirut and other Lebanese regions, broadcasting live reports. Saniora himself preceded these violations after he answered a question asked by an Israeli Ynet reporter in Paris even after the latter's introduced himself, not to mention the description of the Vice Speaker (from the ruling bloc) MP Farid Mekary when he referred to 'Israel' as Lebanon's second neighbor. "

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