Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mishaal: Bush wants to form temporary alliance against Hamas in the region

"DOHA, (PIC)-- Head of the Hamas Movement’s political bureau Khaled Mishaal said that the call of US president George W. Bush for an international conference was meant to form a temporary alliance against Hamas.

In an interview with the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera satellite TV channel Tuesday night, Mishaal explained that what had happened in Gaza Strip was “a natural result, and the bitter harvest of bitter seeds sown by the USA and Israel in Gaza Strip”, in allusion to the routed mutiny trend of Fatah leader Mohammed Dahalan.

But he stressed that Hamas’s military action in the Strip wasn’t directed against Fatah faction or PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, explaining, “It was a necessary step against a group that rejected the result of the democratic elections, and aborted the first Hamas-led PA government, and attempted to foil the PA unity government”.

He also condemned the invitation for an international conference made by Bush, saying that Bush wanted to establish a tentative alliance against Hamas out of that invitation. “Bush wants to portray himself as if he was concerned about the Palestinian issue and pushing the peace process on the Palestinian track forward; but the hidden objective of Bush’s call is to push Abbas into dissolving the Palestinian resistance factions in preparation for the next US-Israeli war against Syria, Iran, or Gaza”, Mishaal charged.

On the other hand, Mishaal affirmed that his Movement was and still is pushing for inter-Palestinian national dialogue that, he insisted, is the only way to bail the Palestinian arena out of the current political impasse. “Hamas presented a solution based on two pillars namely rebuilding PA security apparatuses on national and professional basis, and forming a central national unity government to administer the West Bank and Gaza Strip”, he pointed out.

But he revealed that although most of the Arab countries were favoring such a proposal, Abbas is still rejecting calls for national dialogue, unveiling that the USA was pressuring a number of Arab countries not to champion a national dialogue among the Palestinians.....

Furthermore, Mishaal underlined that Hamas doesn’t fear a Palestinian national referendum or going to early elections. But he explained that there is a big difference between contesting honest, transparent, and democratic elections held on specific and fixed time; and going to elections by force amidst twisting of facts and intentions to cheat and to forge the results. “Elections is a democratic process practiced in a democratic way, and on time; it should not be practiced through dictatorship and in accordance with the US wishes”, Mishaal underscored.

He highlighted that the Palestinian people are mature enough and always inclined to the truth, affirming that Hamas trusts the Palestinian people’s mind and awareness. “Hamas was and still is deriving its strength from the Almighty Allah in the first place, and then from the Palestinian people that elected it and put their confidence in its political program”, the Hamas’s leader asserted.

When asked about the captured IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit, Mishaal highlighted that Shalit was a prisoner of war, and that Hamas Movement accepted Egypt's mediation in the swap deal with Israel, but Israeli premier Ehud Olmert’s stubborn stands derailed the process."

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