Monday, July 30, 2007

European Hypocrisy: A Palestinian View

By Saifedean Ammous
Guest Columnist

"It is with great pleasure that I welcome back Saifedean Ammous, one of my favorite Rootless Cosmopolitan readers and correspondents — he really is a far better political analyst than he is at predicting football results! Saifedean, currently completing a Ph. D. at Columbia, hails from Palestine and is a passionate and eloquent advocate of its national cause, known for skewering the logic of its foes. Read more of his work at his own site, The Saif House." -- Tony Karon

"The tragic aspect of Europe’s policy with regard to Palestine today is not just that is practically indistinguishable from the criminal policy of the US, but that it comes bundled with great self-righteousness and an unshakable belief that it is not only the correct policy, but is also vastly morally superior to anything anyone else is doing......."

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