Monday, July 30, 2007

US coordinated security with 'top Hamas agent'

"The director of a major Palestinian security force who coordinated security directly with US officials is suspected of being an agent for the Hamas terror organization, WND has learned. Yussef Issa, director of the Preventative Security Services, is accused by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization of working on behalf of Hamas, Fatah sources said.

Issa was one of a handful of top Palestinian militia leaders to hold regular security meetings with Lt. Gen. Keith Dayton, the American security coordinator in the region. The meetings were largely aimed at implementing the Dayton Plan, which called for the US to strengthen Abbas' security forces against the rival Hamas group......

The information comes as the US in recent days pledged large sums of aid to help bolster Abbas' militias and security forces in the West Bank.

Abu Abdullah, a senior member of Hamas' "military wing," told WND Fatah in the West Bank is heavily infiltrated by Hamas. "Fatah hasn't yet touched the extent of our infiltration (of their groups) in the West Bank."

Muhammad Abdel-El, spokesman for the Hamas-allied Popular Resistance Committees terror group, said his group and Hamas have infiltrated "very deep" in Fatah. "We already are planning to obtain American weapons and takeover the West Bank like we did in Gaza with help from the Palestinian resistance, including elements in Fatah, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the Fatah Security Services. The Committees and Hamas has infiltrated very deep in Fatah," Abdel-El said......"

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